Friday, January 17, 2014

How can you protect your car engine - Car Engine Lacquer Treatment

Car Engine Lacquer Treatment

These coatings are applied by professional and give the individual the opportunity to benefit from this advanced technology at a cost and time savings. For those who do not wish to do their own coating work, or if you wish to have Exppress Car Wash specialty coating applied.

Car Engine Lacquer Treatment
Car Engine Lacquer

The object is to prevent the migration of heat, radiate heat, reduce friction, shed oil, retard corrosion or simply make the look better.

High pressure lubricant.
Provide a high gloss and slippery coating which increases part life.
Requires no clearance change to compensate for the coating.
Apply to any part to avoid corrosion.
Excellent for use on hose and electrical wiring.
Spray based no hazardous fumes.
Protects from blister, crack, peel or flake.

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