Monday, August 2, 2021

Is investing in the car wash business a safe bet?

Many investors have found that the car wash industry checks all those boxes. Let’s take a closer look at the car wash industry and why it might be a good choice for your next business venture.

car wash business

As you consider diving into a new industry, you want to know that you’ll get a good return on your investment. You want an industry that’s stable with an upward trajectory. And maybe you want to have some fun in the process. Your safe bet is the car wash business.

Factors that affect and influence the car detailing business:

car wash business

Consumer Trends:

Of course, growth is driven by consumer demand. Car washes provide a service that will always be needed as long as there are cars on the road. While drivers always have the option to hand wash their cars, they are increasingly turning to the convenience and speed of automatic car washes.


When done right, a car wash franchise can be automated, optimized and scaled to provide steadily increasing revenue. Car wash technology is constantly evolving, offering new efficiencies and ways to boost throughput. The car wash point-of-sale (POS) specifically offers data that can be leveraged to further improve your operations for increased profits. And then there is growth through expansion. Once a car wash owner sees the profitability of their first location, they are eager to add more sites. Many end up with several sites, building a strong regional car wash brand.

Industry Growth:

The car wash industry has gone through a massive period of growth, driven largely by the popularity of unlimited wash plans and the rise of the express exterior tunnel business model.

Resale Potential:

If you’re looking for a business you can easily sell for a profit or as a retirement strategy, a car wash is a good option. Investors love the predictable, recurring revenue that unlimited wash programs provide. A decade ago, the weather controlled the car wash business. These plans allowed car wash operators to seize more control and create a stable revenue stream. For that reason, a healthy unlimited wash program can increase the value of our business by 10 times or more.

Variety of Options:

With a variety of business models to choose from, an investor can select the model that best matches their needs as well as those of the local customer base. There are 4 main types of car washes:

  • Self-Serve: The driver pays for use of the chemicals and equipment to wash their own car. This is a good choice if you want minimal day-to-day involvement, lower maintenance and little or no labour costs.

  • In-Bay Automatic: This is where a customer drives into a bay and the equipment moves around their vehicle to wash it. This type of wash may require more oversight and maintenance, but not as much as an express exterior tunnel or full-serve wash. 

  • Express Exterior: Vehicles are moved through a tunnel as equipment washes them. This model requires more maintenance and oversight, so you’ll either need to be more involved or hire a good site manager. However, the machine can wash more cars because more than one vehicle can be washed at a time, so the revenue potential is higher. 
  • Full-Serve: The car is usually driven into the tunnel by an attendant and washed. After the wash, the car is hand dried and the interior is cleaned by hand or fondly called the car detailing business. This is the most labor-intensive and requires the most involvement on your part.

The car wash business is truly a versatile and wide-ranging sector that can get a good profit in the 1st year itself.

To book a car wash franchise or enquire more: call us at 80-100-44000 or visit us at




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